Thursday, December 27, 2018

2018 A Year in Review

2018 was such a busy and amazing year for me. It seemed to go by in a huge blur. In January we took a family trip to Cuba. We had the whole family there, 8 of us went and stayed for a week. The trip was beautiful and we loved getting away in the middle of winter to warmer weather. We have been thinking about going to Cuba again this year but haven't quite decided yet.

In March I did a second fashion show with my good friend Madame Absinthe. The theme was Post Apocalyptic, but considering that really isn't my style at all, I decided on a Vampire theme instead for my collection. My thought was that of course the Vampires would survive the Apocalypse and come out of hiding to feed on whats left of the population. I was much more comfortable working on the Vampire theme so I could incorporate some of my signature velvet pieces. I won't go into too much depth and details about the show in this post as it really deserves its own post.

I did a few alternative shows after that including some new Pagan shows I hadn't done before which was really nice. I have been neglecting my blog for a long time which is a shame really because I do enjoy writing. The shows were a great success and I met some new friends and lots of friends I hadn't seen in quite a while. Hopefully I can do some Renn Faires next year as well.

I started doing more sewing related youtube videos and I would really like to get back to that. I smashed my IPad and that put a stop to the videos for a bit unfortunately. I stopped doing the Pagan related videos because I just find the topic too personal to share in videos to be honest. I admire those on youtube that can share themselves freely but that just isn't me. I am an Aquarius after all. There are some things I still keep to myself which includes my spiritual practices. However, I do love being involved in the community both online and in person. My local study group and coven had a full year as well. We discussed so many topics and didn't miss a single Sabbat this year. I am truly blessed to have such an amazing group of people to share my path with.

I did a few Harry Potter events again this year reading Tarot for charity. I love dressing up and playing Professor Trelawney for the events. I also taught a beginner Tarot class at my local book shop that went really well. Hopefully I will get the chance to teach again in the future.


We did several day trips in the summer with the Camaro, which is always nice. And a few road trips in the Jeep to trails in Cottage Country up north.



As for my sewing business, I did try some new items at shows and online this year. I introduced the Stevie Shawls in multiple colours and they were a big hit. I sold almost everything from the fashion shows, only keeping some of the special pieces like the black wool cape. I did lots of shows in the summer and fall but opted to not do so many Christmas shows this year. I'm glad I didn't because it made the season much more enjoyable for me and my family. I focused more on the online sales instead. I did make a few mistakes this year in my choices of jobs I took on. I need to be more selective in what I make and focus on my own style. When doing shows, it can be easy to get sidetracked into making items specifically to sell at shows instead of what you like to make. It's difficult to stay focused for me sometimes. I want to avoid being side tracked this year.


I also tried to share more Outfit of the Day posts on Instagram as people seemed to enjoy those. I learned a lot about myself doing that also. I learned what actually looks good on me and what I like to wear. I learned that I sew a lot but I don't have much of my own designs in my wardrobe which is a real shame! I need to make more items to incorporate into my wardrobe daily. I also want to start sharing more of the sewing progress both here on the blog and on Instagram.






My biggest success this year was that I made progress at losing some weight this year. I started a Ketogenic diet in the early fall. As of today, I have lost 30 pounds which is really exciting. The big issue with the diet is that I am also vegetarian. I have been vegetarian for at least 23 years now, so I wasn't about to just start eating meat. So I did the Keto diet as a Veggie which is really strict even with dairy included. I gave up sugar, bread, and pasta and tried to eat as low carb as possible. You can just imagine how tough it is for a Veggie, but I stuck to it. I am going to have to start introducing healthy carbs back in this year. I also want to get back to cycling this year.

So I would say that was a very busy and productive year all in all. It's good to see it all written out like that because I tend to beat myself up for not doing enough all the time. I think I will have to work on a list of goals for the new year now!

Happy New Year and thanks for reading!


  1. Holy moly what a year for you!
    Definitely full and blessed; look at all the cool things =D

    Happy new year Mary! May the next year be as full and wonderful ;)
