Sunday, February 25, 2018

Hello Stitchwitches! A Brand New Blog!

Hello everyone! I know its been a while since you've heard from me on here! I have decided to start a new blog on my website just so its easier to keep everything neat and tidy and in one place! You can find me now at

I will try to keep up to date on the new blog and you can find me on Instagram and youtube!
I have recently started doing some sewing and fashion videos! Its time for this Eldergoth to step outside of her comfort zone and post more OOTD vlogs. So if youre interested check me out over there too!

See you all over on the new space! Cheers!

Edit- I will continue to post on both blogs for now i think! Unless I can figure out a way to incorporate blogger onto the new website. Because frankly, It's just too difficult to post on WIX.