Monday, September 18, 2017

Occulticon 2017

Oh what a glorious weekend we had! What better way to spend a weekend in the summer than at a magickal campsite!

This was the first year for a new Pagan Occult festival called Occulticon held at Mythwood Campgrounds in Ontario. It was a 3 day festival with classes on everything from Mediumship to Spiritual Alchemy. I was able to attend a few lectures but I was pretty busy the whole weekend! There was also Dragon Drummers and a bonfire Saturday night!

There were several amazing speakers that really know their craft including Ian Corrigan, Tiffany Laszic, and Tamarra James. Various types of pagan faiths were represented such as Wicca, Druidry, Thelema, Celtic, and Heathenry. A little something for everyone!

I was lucky enough to be one of the vendors this year. I took a large assortment of sweaters, capes, and other clothing items with me. It was a fun weekend of camping and exploring the Mythwood campgrounds!

I was so blessed to be a part of this special event! I can't wait until next year!

Friday, September 1, 2017

The Darkling Tag!

I thought I would join in the fun going around this week by doing a Tag! Its been ages since I did a blog tag! Thank you for Tagging me Mari!

Curious Professor Z, Sylvie and Ms. Misantropia have both done The Darkling Tag recently so definitely check those out and I tag Mari Mortem, Roses and Velum, Tales From A Geordie Goth and Wild Intuitive!

What is your favourite candle scent? Every Halloween season I stock up on the autumn candles. However, I do not have a proper sense of smell so I shop for them purely by colour!
Do you have a favourite book? Interview With The Vampire, Ive read it a few times now. Anne Rice is one of my favourite authors along with Stephen King, Neil Gaiman, H.P. Lovecraft,... You get the idea.
Are you a tea or coffee person? More of a coffee person, but I do enjoy a nice tea in the evening.
What is your favourite perfume/cologne? I really dont wear perfume.
Do you have a celebrity crush? Not really. At the moment, Tom Hiddleston is a favourite.
If you could change your name to a stereotypical 90s/2000s gothy name, what would it be? I think my current name, Mary Mourning, is pretty stereotypical 90s goth.Actually so is my business name, Autumn Moon!
What are your top three tips for surviving hot weather while black clad? I avoid the sun like the plague. I literally carry a parasol everywhere. Those Victorian ladies were pretty smart! Not only do parasols prevent you from sunburn but you feel a lot cooler under them.
What song always makes you happy (doesn’t have to be a goth band?) I have whole albums that make me happy actually. Like The Cure Disintegration, Stevie Nicks Belladonna, and Sisters of Mercy Floodland.
Are you active in the arts (eg. Play an instrument, paint, write, etc)? I sew and I sketch...
What is your number one non-gothy hobby? Well, I used to say Mountainbiking but I haven't been out much lately. So now I will say Jeeping! My hubby and I take the Jeep offroad a lot in the summer.

Thought Provokers:

If you could be a supernatural creature, what would it be and why? A Vampire obviously! Excellent wardrobe,
What horror monster-bases super power would you have? Vampires have pretty great superpowers! Mind control, turning into a bat, levitating, super strength, control animals...
Do you feel confident or comfortable interacting with other Goths or gothy people (online or irl)? Why or why not? Yes. I enjoy talking to other Goths both in person and online.
Is there something you wish there was more of in your subculture? More individuality and less people trying to squeeze themselves into tiny stereotypical boxes.
Care to share an embarrassing story related to your “darkliness”? Hmmm... being mistaken for Mary Poppins?
How are you at DIY? Awesome. I DIY a lot!.

Confessional (aka True or False):

I love watching cheesy romance films. False! I hate them. I'd rather watch Horror or Sci-Fi. Ofcourse there are romantic Horror films! Bram Stoker's Dracula or Return of the Living Dead 3 anyone?
I ALWAYS remember to wash off my makeup at night. False. Most days, not all.
I sleep with plushies? Does my chubby Beagle Bella count? She is soft, squishy, and snuggly.
I wear non-black pyjamas most nights. False. They are all black.
I think Andrew Eldrich is overrated. False! I love Sisters of Mercy.
I don’t like vampires. Really?! False!
I don’t like clubs. True. I would rather go to a show, a concert, or an event these days.
I don’t enjoy graveyards. False. I love graveyards and most of all picnics in graveyards!
Blood makes me queasy. The real thing does. But not movies!
I’d sooner faint than pet a spider. True! I have a bonafide phobia.
I don’t like haunted houses. False! I love haunted houses. Even the real ones.
I’ve never read Dracula. LOL! You're funny!.
I think “Bela Lugosi’s Dead” is a long and boring song. False! One of my favourite songs actually. And that scene in The Hunger is classic! Undead. Undead.

A new website!

Hello everyone!

I have some exciting news in my little corner of the world! I have launched my own website for my handmade clothing line! The new website has a shopping cart so I am no longer tied to Etsy for sales. I will still be selling through Etsy for the time being because Etsy has been very good to me! Here are a few new dresses I've added to the new website and Etsy.

I am keeping this blog separate from the new website because it is strictly for the clothing and accessories that are for sale. I still enjoy posting my own personal outfits here on this blog. So if you have a chance please go and check out the new website and give me some honest feedback on it. I really appreciate it!

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Happy Lughnasadh!

Happy Lughnasadh everyone!

Lughnasadh or Lammas is the Gaelic festival or sabbat marking the beginning of the harvest season. Named after the Celtic Pagan god Lugh it celebrates the beginning of harvest and marks the tradition of the Scottish Games.

We had a really lovely outdoor ritual this year right by the water. We danced, we chanted, we drummed, and we enjoyed every bit of it! I thought you might enjoy some of the photos from our ritual this summer. It was a beautiful warm night perfect for a bonfire. Here are a few pictures of our celebration!

P.S. I am posting this late! We are almost half way to Mabon now!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Tarot Blog Hop 2017

Previous Blog - Master List - Next Blog

Happy Beltaine Everyone!

Welcome to my Blog! If you have found yourself here by way of the Tarot Blog Hop hosted by the lovely Arwen Lynch Poe then thank you for participating in the Beltaine Tarot Hop! Please check out the master list in order to find some new and amazing blogs to follow!

This year's Tarot Blog Hop topic is about other types of divination that you might use in conjunction with Tarot. Tarot is my preferred type of divination but I do like to mix Tarot and Oracle cards on a regular basis. For the past year at least I have also been pulling a daily oracle card as well as Tarot.

I keep a daily journal on Tarot just for my own reference. I pull three Tarot cards for Mind, Body, and Spirit. I then record what I pulled that day in the journal so I can see what sort of patterns appear over time. Doing this daily can give you a better overview of what's going on in your life. You start to see that you pull the same card often and after a while you'll see that certain cards will appear when major life events happen. Keeping track will help you to realize that certain cards will have personal messages specifically for you.

The Tarot journal I've used for the last few years was an ordinary 3-ring binder. Certainly effective, but really boring! I mean really... Who was ever going to see this binder other than myself? What does it matter? Well guess what! Here I am writing a blog post and considering a YT video about it as well. So I guess with that in mind, loads of people are going to see my boring little binder! Ha! 

So I decided I needed to spruce things up a little by creating a new journal. I needed my new binder to be practical as well as cute. I decided practically speaking that a typical spiral notebook works the best. Even though ordinary spiral notebooks can be inexpensive and practical they tend to be a little boring again! So I came up with a solution to sprucing up my hum-drum little book without breaking the bank. 

I made a cute little quilted cover for my spiral notebooks! This way I can just pop a new one when I have filled up a notebook. I used up some left over scraps from a Halloween quilt I made previously for the cover and some plain purple broadcloth on the inside. Cheep and cheerful!

For this post I am showing off a newer Tarot deck of mine The Everyday Witch Tarot by Deborah Blake, I absolutely love the witchy artwork in this deck. I think it's the same artist that did the Green Witch Tarot which is another favourite of mine. And I am also pulling an oracle card from The Vintage Wisdom Oracle Deck to mix things up a bit. These have been my go to decks right now!

I've pulled my three tarot cards for the day...

Body-Five of Cups (R)
Spirit- The Fool (R)

And one Oracle card... Freedom

Which I would take to mean that I have some new opportunities coming right now and I shouldn't hesitate to make a change.

As for Beltaine this year, I am planning on setting up a nice altar tomorrow and doing my own thing since I missed both events I could have gone to locally. It just wasn't in the cards this year for me. So I missed both of them. I did however get out to the market this year with friends where I found a new cauldron for my collection!

I wasn't going for Mary Poppins honestly! But I think I achieved her look anyway.

Dress and purse- Made by me
hat-decorated by myself

Thanks for stopping by and hop on over to the next blog!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

March update! Lots of Everyday Outfits!

So life has been hectic for me once again! I've been sewing constantly and trying to stay on top of keeping stock in my Etsy store along with some custom orders. I've been out to the Drag Shows lately with friends which is always fun. I've just finished a year long metaphysical course called The Great Work.I just started a new YouTube channel talking about witchy and pagan topics. And I won a donut from Tim Hortons roll up the rim to win! Woo-Hoo!

There has been a lot of talk in the online metaphysical and pagan communities right now about the major shift in energy recently. It's like the universal energy is suddenly more focused on moving forward in a positive direction! If you aren't feeling this movement right now then I would suggest taking a break from all the negative media for a bit. Because trust me it's there! And we have a full moon in Virgo coming up this week. It's a perfect time to be motivated and get things done. Organizing and planning should come easy with this full moon.

It's been a while since I posted some everyday outfit photos so I have quite a few for you!
Don't forget you can find me on Instagram also.

Bats top by HellBunny
Skirt is memade
Boots by Goth Pikes

Dress by Killstar
Boots by Goth Pikes
Vintage Rosary

Sweater by Hellbunny
Tee by Tee Villian
skirt is memade

Sweater by Jaw Breaker
Dress by Sourpuss
Townshoes Peep Toes

Dress by Spin Doctor

Boot Bat Wings by Black Orchid Designs

Dress by Spin Doctor
Harness by Dark Den Designs
Corset and Shoes by Miss E

Totally rad big 80s hair by me.

Awesome Sparlky Shoes by Miss E