Thursday, January 29, 2015

Homework Assignment: A Quilt in the Making

This month's homework assignment from The Curious Professor Z is all about unfinished craft or sewing projects. Or as I like to call them: UFOs. I have to admit I don't have a whole lot of UFOS which is unusual for a sewing enthusiast. The ones I do have are really really old. I have some unfinished velvet tops from about 10 years ago. But I still might finish them soon and sell them.

However I do have a few unfinished quilt tops. They started out life as baby quilt tops that I was going to sell. And I just never got around to putting the backs on them. 

I pulled them out last week to have another look at them and decided the green and black one had potential to become a larger throw blanket size. I pulled together some some more fabrics from my stash and added more rows to the small quilt I had started.

Here is my progress so far. I still don't have a back on it. But I'm really liking the touch of green in the quilt! 

Which also inspired me to start another quilt top featuring the Mr Chillingsworth Panel from Andover Fabrics. This one will be in black and white. 

But the really interesting thing is that seeing the green in my living room has me thinking that I need to revamp and redecorate my home again! Ahh!...Oh what have I gotton myself into?! 

Monday, January 19, 2015

January Update

Things have been moving along very quickly in my life lately. I have been extremely busy the past few weeks and enjoying every minute of it. I recently took on a third job of sorts at my friend's store. I am doing a lot of sewing and starting to get orders for my designs. It's all very encouraging and exciting to be sewing again! The store carries all sorts of alternative fashions like Rockabilly dresses, classic goth clothes, and repurposed vintage clothing. I can wear whatever I feel like that day! Lately I have been wearing my corsets...

I apologize for the crappy selfies but it's all I have for now. And here are a few velvet tops I made the past week: 

And I started working on some new corsets as well. I am having a really hard time finding the bones and grommets locally though. I will have to wait and go to Toronto or Hamilton again for supplies. 

Besides sewing like crazy this week I have started down a new path in my spiritual journey as well. I am taking a class on herbs, crystals, and candle magic at The Cat, Book, and Candle in Hespeler. I learned quite a bit in my first class. It was great to speak to other ladies that are interested in the same things. I love to read books and research different topics on Wicca and Paganism but there is still no substitute for taking a class in the community! I am really enjoying this one and I am sure there will be more in the future. 

It's been a busy, creative, and fulfilling month so far. I'm looking forward to what comes next!